
Tips for Writing a Cold Email That Gets Responses

Tips for Writing a Cold Email That Gets Responses

Cold emails are associated with spammers; unfortunately, people do not know how to write cold emails properly. At their worst, email marketers can be as spammy as the next person sending out emails, even though they may be doing it out of good intentions.

However, what sets cold emails apart is the capability of contacting leads in large numbers, which, in turn, attracts more involved customers, a wider market, and a very good ROI.

How Do Cold Emails Work ?

Cold emails are used to find prospects. They help generate leads and are a good tactic because they are resource-light and can be employed at a large scale.

Another benefit of cold emails is the great ROI you get: the mechanism is quite transparent, and the minimal set of deliverables makes it possible to use A/B versions with many recipients. That’s why cold emails are easy to track—a large number of people would be affected.

This means that you’ll get more feedback and data points than cold calling, for instance, which gives you very little or even ‘no’ information about where you went wrong or how you can do it right.

How to Get Responses With Cold Emailing ?

If you send hundreds of cold emails and not feedback, you have failed. Now, let’s look deeper into how to get a response while writing a cold email.

Build a connection

Remember, cold emails should be used to start conversations rather than make sales pitches. You have to learn some basics about recipients, what they care about, how to begin the conversation, and how to establish a long-term relationship. Recipients get flooded with cold emails daily, so try to make them unique.

Keep email length short

If you want the recipient to pay attention to your message and react as early as possible, you should choose emails of shorter length. It will be impossible for any person to read long chains of texts from an unknown individual.

They will delete your email directly into the trash bin, which is something you would not want. The format of the emails should be concise if you wish to make a lasting impression about yourself. This must be written, preferably by bulleting, numbering, and appropriate intervals to make the reader concentrate more on you. These efforts will pay you a lot of dividends.

Understand the prospect’s psychology.

Sometimes, sales reps send hundreds of emails to various people expecting at least one to reply, which is very wrong. Otherwise, prospects will delete your email instantly, even if you have not reached their hearts and minds.

When writing an email, you should always address the individual; consequently, your email should be compassionate regardless of the organization. The recipient is an emotion possessor; this implies that he or she has feelings that affect the buying decision. It is, therefore, beyond doubt that 95 percent of purchasing decisions are made unconsciously.


Writing a cold email that gets a response isn’t rocket science. Just understand your audience’s psychology and keep it short and sweet. Also, remember to always find a way to build a connection with your prospects. Visit to learn about cold emails.